Strategic Resource Branding
I created Katie + Patrick's wedding stationery, their moving announcement, and now Patrick's branding for his new company, Strategic Resource. Talk about loyalty! Patrick created Strategic Resource to assist businesses in retrieving important legal documents and information. Pat - thank you for working with me over and over again and congratulations on your new company!!
Love love love it! You are talented girl! Did you post their moving announcement? If you didn't you should, your work is exceptional.
Oh you progressively moved through thewir story. Bet that doesnt happen all the time. How great. I especially appreciate all the effort that goes into this sort of thing after trying to organise my invitations. Who knew there were so many options
bring on the new goods yours fans are waiting!
dear anonymous - the new goods are coming, baby! i have two dozen new projects to share... i just need a break from making things to photograph :) wanna help me?
can't wait to see the eye candy! i would love to help but unless a plane ticket is included i'm about a hop, skip, jump, run and train ride away :)